Magazine articles
Scientific papers
Technical papers
Project deliverables
[n88] T. Wiesenthal, S. Siemen, P. Szegedi:
“EOSC platform and related EU infrastructure initiatives”
EOSC Symposium, 14-17 November 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
[n87] P. Szegedi:
“FAIRCORE4EOSC - The views and expectations of the European Commission”
FAIRCORE4EOSC Kick-off Meeting. 29-30 June 2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands
[n86] P. Szegedi:
“EOSC Public Procurement Action”
4th General Assembly of the EOSC Association, 24-25 May 2022, Brussels, Belgium
[n85] M. Schouppe, P. Szegedi:
“The European Open Science Cloud”
RDA 8th GORC Model WG meeting, March 24, 2022, Virtual event
[n84] P. Szegedi:
“European Open Science Cloud - Core Infrastructure and Exchange platform services”
NRP Conference, 17 March 2022, Virtual event
[n83] P. Szegedi:
"Update from the European Commission on Future Evolution of Digital Landscape in Europe"
CS3 Workshop on Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing Services, 24-27 January 2022, Virtual event
Tender documentation
[n89] P. Szegedi, S. Siemen, et.al:
“Managed Services for the European Open Science Cloud Platform”
EC Public Procurement documentation, CNECT/LUX/2022/CD/0023, 20 December 2022
[n81] D. Ebert, P. Szegedi:
"Oracle in Research and Education"
Quistor Live Conference, 20-21 April 2021, Virtual event
[n80] P. Szegedi:
"Oracle Data Science Cloud - Update"
CS3 Workshop on Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing Services, 25-28 January 2021, Virtual event
[n79] P. Szegedi:
"A proposal for OCM governance"
CS3 Workshop on Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing Services, 25-28 January 2021, Virtual event
Internal documentation
[n82] P. Szegedi, et.al:
"Open Clouds for Research Environments - OCRE Framework Playbook"
Oracle internal playbook for the OCRE Framework engagement, April 2021
[n78] P. Szegedi:
"Oracle for Data Science - A Vision for CS3MESH Connector"
CS3 Workshop on Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing Services, 27-29 January 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark
[n77] P. Szegedi:
"Architecture and Design Principles of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure"
5th SIG-CISS meeting - GEANT, 28-29 November 2019, Athens, Greece
[n76] P. Szegedi:
"Blockchain, IoT, and AI: Maximizing Value Through Embedded Business Applications"
Higher Education User Group - EMEA Alliance 2019, 22-23 October 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands
[n73] J. Carlsson, P. Szegedi:
"Marvin – Chatbot helps scientists to focus on research"
TNC'19 Conference, poster session, 16-20 June 2019, Tallinn, Estonia
[n72] P. Szegedi:
"Enterprise File Sync & Share by Oracle"
CS3 Workshop on Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing Services, 28-30 January 2019, Rome, Italy
Strategy papers
[n75] D. Ebert, P. Szegedi:
"Strategy for collaborating with NRENs and umbrella associations"
Oracle Corp., internal strategy document, 18 July 2019
[n74] P. Szegedi:
"Doing business with higher education and research"
Oracle Digital - EMEA Tech North, internal strategy document, 25 January 2019
[n70] P. Szegedi:
"Up2University: Educational Platform with Sync/Share"
CS3 Workshop on Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing Services, 29-31 January 2018, Krakow, Poland
[n69] P. Szegedi:
"Interoperability with sharing: Open Cloud Mesh status and outlook"
CS3 Workshop on Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing Services, 29-31 January 2018, Krakow, Poland
Scientific papers
[41] P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Containerized Education by the Up2U Consortium - Techno-pedagogical aspects of the Up2U learning ecosystem"
IEEE EDUCON 2018, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, April 18-
Strategy papers
[n71] P. Szegedi:
"Accessible and Affordable Education for Europe"
GÉANT Open Education Strategy - Green Paper, January 2018
Magazine articles
[n68] D. Cresti, P. Szegedi:
"Arrivare preparati all'università, ai tempi di Internet"
GARR News, Issue 16, pp. 37, July 2017
[n66] P. Szegedi:
"GÉANT TURN Service - Relaying real-time traffic for research and education"
GEANT Connect Magazine, Issue 25, pp. , May 2017
[n61] P. Szegedi:
"Up to University (Up2U) – a new EC-funded project by GÉANT"
GEANT Connect Magazine, Issue 24, pp. 30-31, April 2017
[n67] P. Szegedi:
"Up2U - Modular Learning Ecosystem for Supporting Schools in Europe"
IMS Europe Conference 2017, 29-30 November, 2017, London, UK
[n65] P. Szegedi, G. Paolini:
"Next Generation Schooling - The Up2U Project"
Beyond e-learning. New media classroom, 12 May, 2017, Cagliari, Italy
[n64] P. Szegedi, A. Third:
"Bridging the gap between schools and universities through informal education"
Internet2 Global Summit, 23-26 April, 2017, Washington DC, USA
[n63] P. Szegedi:
"Open Access, really...? - The eduOER service of GÉANT"
SURFAcademy Seminar Videocontent in het hoger onderwijs: nieuwe licentiemodellen en diensteninnovatie, 28 March, 2017, Hilversum, Netherlands
[n62] P. Szegedi:
"Introduction to Up2U"
H2020 Participatory meeting for Digital Learning projects, 27 March, 2017, Luxembourg, Luxemburg
[n60] P. Szegedi:
"OpenCloudMesh - From concept to reality"
Workshop on Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing (CS3), 30 Jan - 1 Feb, 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Scientific papers
[40] A. Vieira de Castro, P. Szegedi, B. Tóth, M. Grammatikou:
"Up2U - The European project to close the gap between secondary and higher education"
9th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), 3-5 June 2017, Barcelona, Spain
[39] A. Vieira de Castro, P. Szegedi, B. Tóth, M. Cardoso:
"Collaborative tools for Up2U project task management and team involvement"
9th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), 3-5 June 2017, Barcelona, Spain
[38] A. Vieira de Castro, A. Third, P. Szegedi, I. Hatzakis, K. Vogias, M. Zimniewicz:
"Up2U Ecosystem to engage secondary schools, teachers and students"
9th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), 3-5 June 2017, Barcelona, Spain
[37] A. Vieira de Castro, P. Szegedi, M. Grammatikou, E. Shmueli:
"Up2U - Bridging the gap between schools and universities through informal education"
9th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), 3-5 June 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Technical papers
[n69] A. Steijaert, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Cloud and On-line Services in GN4-3"
White Paper, December 2017
Project deliverables
[p27] A. Steijaert, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Assessment of Community Needs for e-learning and Education services"
GN4-2 Deliverable D10.3, October 2017
[p26] A. Steijaert, B. Radojevic, J. Meijer, M. Saini, P. Szegedi, B. Idzikowski:
"Review of GN4-2 JRA4 Period 1"
GN4-2 Deliverable D10.2, January 2017
[p25] A. Third, D. Pantazatos, E. Bocchi, J. T. Mościcki, M. Zimniewicz, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Application Toolbox Design and Prototype"
Up2U Deliverable D4.1, July 2017
[p24] A. Corleto, E. Napolitano, G. Paolini, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Study of Security, Privacy, Identity Management and Legal Requirements in the Digital Schools’ Environment Using a Cloud-Based Approach"
Up2U Deliverable D6.1, July 2017
Magazine articles
[n57] P. Szegedi:
"eduOER - New European search hub gives access to aggregated multimedia content"
GEANT Connect Magazine, Issue 21, pp. 22, March 2016
[n59] P. Szegedi:
"Up to University (Up2U) - Bridging the gap between schools and universities through informal education"
ownCloud Contributors Conference, 10-13 September 2016, Berlin, Germany
[n58] P. Szegedi, J. Meijer:
"Global addressing and GÉANT toolbox for WebRTC developments"
Intrenet2 Global Summit 2016, 15-18 May 2016, Chicago, USA
[n56] P. Szegedi, T. Bundy, S. Davidovic, I. Hatzakis, J. Meijer:
"Real Time Communications and Multimedia Services - Life After the GÉANT Project"
GN4 Symposium 2016, 7-9 March 2016, Vienna, Austria
[n55] C. Schmitz, P. Szegedi, J. Moscicki:
"Open Cloud Mesh initiative"
Cloud Services for Synchronisation and Sharing (CS3) Workshop, 18-19 January 2016, Zurich, Switzerland
Project deliverables
[p23] T. Bundy, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Videoconferencing Service Assessment and Future Development"
GN4-1 Deliverable D12.2, April 2016
[p22] N. Dias, V. Goyanes, I. Hatzakis, A. Majoros, G. Paolini, E. Shmueli, P. Szegedi, K. Veelo, K. Vogias, M. Zimniewicz:
"GÉANT Open Educational Resource (eduOER) Business Case Development"
GN4-1 Deliverable D12.1, March 2016
Magazine articles
[n52] P. Szegedi:
"WebRTC - Walking the talk"
GEANT Connect Magazine, Issue 20, pp. 22, October 2015
[n54] P. Szegedi:
"GÉANT Association NRENs for Campuses"
RENATER JRES Conference, 8-11 December 2015, Montpelier, France
[n53] P. Szegedi:
"CERN and GÉANT: Delivering global real-time video communication services"
HEAnet National Conference, 11-13 November 2015, Cork, Ireland
[n50] P. Szegedi:
"NRENs for Open Education: GÉANT Open Educational Resource Hub and Portal"
TNC'15 Conference, Lightning Talk, 15-18 June 2015, Porto, Portugal
[n49] P. Szegedi, J. Sobieski:
"The GÉANT Testbed Service for Multi-domain Test Scenarios"
APAN/APRICOT Conference, 2-5 March 2015, Fukuoka, Japan
[n48] P. Szegedi:
"Real Time Applications and Multimedia Management - GN4 Phase1 SA8"
GN3plus Symposium, 23-25 February 2015, Athens, Greece
Technical papers
[n51] A. Steijaert, P. Szegedi, T. Boundy, M. Brzezniak, L. Fuglevaag, R. Hackett, R. Igliar, S. Leinen, D. Perry, S. Ubik, J. Ruzicka, M. Wets:
"GÉANT Application Services"
GÉANT Whitepaper, June 2015
[n47] P. Szegedi:
"WebRTC Integration - Appendix B"
CEO Forum, Global RealTime Communications eXchange WG, March 2015
Project deliverables
"Architecture Description: GÉANT Testbeds Service, Version 2"
GN3plus Deliverable D6.2 (DS2.3.2), April 2015
Magazine articles
[36] M. Giannakos, M. Ronchetti, K. Chorianopoulos, P. Szegedi, S. Teasley:
"Video-Based Learning and Open Online Courses"
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 9(1) pp.4-7, February 2014
[n42] P. Szegedi:
"GÉANT and TERENA Network Architect Activities Align"
GEANT Connect Magazine, Issue 14, pp. 21, January 2014
Scientific papers
[35] J. Sobieski, M. Hazlinski, B. Pietrzak, P. Szegedi, F. Farina:
"SDNI: The GEANT Testbeds Service – Virtual Network Environments for Advanced Network and Applications Research"
Networks 2014 - SDN & NFV – The Next Generation of Computational Infrastructure, 27-29 October, 2014, Moscow, Russia 0.2*3=0.6
[34] F. Farina, P. Szegedi, J. Sobieski:
"GÉANT World Testbed Facility - Federated and distributed Testbeds as a Service facility of GÉANT"
FICD Workshop, 26th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 26), 9-11 September, 2014, Karlskrona, Sweden 0.33*3=1
[33] M. Giannakos, M. Ronchetti, K. Chorianopoulos, P. Szegedi, S. Teasley:
"Analytics on video-based learning"
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge 0.33*3=1
[n46] R. Spoor, J. Moscicki, P. Szegedi, R. Vogl, F. Karlitschek, M. Rex:
"Giving private clouds public capabilities"
Linuxcon Europe, 13-15 October, 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany
[n44] P. Szegedi:
"NRENum.net - Numbering all the bones"
NORDUnet Conference, 23 September, 2014, Uppsala, Sweden
[n43] P. Szegedi:
"NRENum.net workshop"
Internet2 GLOBAL Summit, 10 April, 2014, Denver, CO, USA
[n41] P. Szegedi:
"What is NRENum.net all about"
APAN 37th Meeting, Unified Communications Working Group, 20 January, 2014, Bandung, Indonesia
Technical papers
[n45] P. Szegedi:
"GÉANT NRENs for Open Education"
Community Position Paper, October 2014
Project deliverables
"Architecture Description: Dynamic Virtualised Packet Testbeds Service"
Magazine articles
[32] P. Szegedi:
"TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive for Academic Research"
SUCRE CloudSource Magazine, Issue 1, pp. 20-22, April 2013
Scientific papers
[31] K. Vogias, I. Hatzakis, N. Manouselis, P. Szegedi:
"Extraction and Visualization of Metadata Analytics for Multimedia Learning Object Repositories: The case of TERENA TF-Media network"
3rd Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, 8-12 April, 2013, Leuven, Belgium, 0.2*3=0.6
[n39] P. Szegedi:
"NRENum.net - Enabling Global Voice and Video Collaboration"
Internet2 Annual Meeting, 21-24 April, 2013, Arlington, VA, USA
[n38] P. Szegedi, E. Shmueli, V. Goyanes, G. Stoitsis, K. Vogias:
"TERENA Open Educational Resource portal pilot"
TERENA TF-Media meeting, 2-3 April, 2013, Paris, France
[n37] P. Szegedi, R. Ribeiro, M. Meszaros:
"Unified Communications - What is the startegy?"
Joint GÉANT eduCONF - TERENA NRENum.net Workshop, 18-19 March, 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands
[n36] P. Szegedi:
"TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive pilot update"
TERENA TF-Storage meeting, 5-6 March, 2013, Berlin, Germany
[r32] P. Szegedi:
"TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive - Unleashing the NREN clouds"
SUCRE Workshop - Open Source Clouds in the public sector, 16-17 April, 2013, Poznan, Poland
Technical papers
[n40] P. Szegedi, M. Brzezniak, A. Steijaert, J. Meijer, M. Koopmans, C. Loverdos, P. Louridas, J. Peisar, P. Stefan, Sz. Szekelyi, M. Vandaele, J. Pagaime, L. J. Cubero, G. Aben, G. Maluf, C. Sprajc, C. Schmitz:
"TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive Facility "
Pilot project report v1.0, May, 2013
http://www.terena.org/publications/files/TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive Facility.pdf
[n33] P. Szegedi, B. Hoeneisen:
"NRENum.net service update"
PHONEWORD Forum, special guests, 28 November, 2012, on-line
[n32] P. Szegedi:
"TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive Pilot - What's the role of EU NRENs in the area of cloud computing"
Forum RNP 2012, 14-16 September, 2012, Brasilia, Brazil
[n31] J. Dyer, P. Szegedi:
"A Study on the Prospects of the Internet for Research and Education (ASPIRE)"
EUNIS 2012, 20-22 June, 2012, Vila Real, Portugal
[n30] P. Szegedi:
"TERENA Task Force on Applied Media in Teaching and Learning - Survey results" (poster presentation)
EUNIS 2012, 20-22 June, 2012, Vila Real, Portugal, Book of Abstracts pp.171-172, ISBN 978-989-704-086-3
[n29] P. Szegedi:
"Collaboration, Service Coordination Across Europe and Beyond"
AARNet and CAUDIT Strategic Workshop, 14 June, 2012, On-line
[n28] P. Szegedi:
"TERENA Trusted Cloud Drive pilot service"
Cisco Symposium: Cloud - Opportunity or Threat?, 21-24 May, 2012, Reykjavik, Iceland
[n27] P. Szegedi:
"What's mine is mine, what's yours is..."
TNC 2012, 21-24 May, 2012, Reykjavik, Iceland
[n26] P. Szegedi:
"Proposal for an EC funded project by TERENA TF-Storage core"
TF-MSP meeting, 7 Feb, 2012, Helsinki, Finland
[n25] P. Szegedi:
"E2E Lightpath Services Workshop for Campuses"
GLIF Tech Winter meeting, 25-26 January 2012, Baton Rouge, USA
Technical papers
[n35] M-I. Gandía Carriedo, S. Liström, S. Limberg, P. Vuletic, P. Szegedi:
"TF-NOC Software Tools Survey Results: Analysis and Dissemination"
Survey Report, TERENA Task Force TF-NOC, December 2012
[n34] R. Ribeiro, P. Szegedi:
"Showcase of Recording Systems"
Summary Report, TERENA Task Force TF-Media, November 2012
Magazine articles
[30] P. Szegedi, J. F. Riera, J. A. García-Espín, M. Hidell, P. Sjödin, P. Söderman, M. Ruffini, D. O'Mahony, A. Bianco, L. Giraudo, M. Ponce de Leon, G. Power, C. Cervelló-Pastor, V. López, S. Naegele-Jackson:
"Enabling Future Internet Research: The FEDERICA Case"
IEEE Communications Magazine Vol.49 No.7 pp. 54-61, July 2011, L R 0.1*6=0.6
[n24] P. Szegedi:
"NRENs' Strategic Perspective on Storage and Cloud"
Information Day on Call 8 of FP7: Cloud Computing, Internet of Services and Advanced Software Engineering, 27 Sep, 2011, Brussels, Belgium
[n23] P. Szegedi:
RIPE62 ENUM WG meeting, 3-6 May, 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands
[n20] P. Szegedi:
"TERENA End-to-End (E2E) Provisioning Workshop series"
GLIF Tech Winter meeting, 25-26 February, 2011, Hong Kong, China
[n19] P. Szegedi, R. Ribeiro:
GN3 PR Meeting, 9 February, 2011, Utrecht, The Netherlands
[n18] P. Szegedi:
"NREN's perspective on storage and clouds"
TF-Storage Meeting, 3-4 February, 2011, Budapest, Hungary
[r18] P. Szegedi:
"NREN's perspective on storage and clouds"
TF-MSP Meeting, 3 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Technical papers
[n21] P. Szegedi:
"NRENs' Strategic Perspective on Storage and Cloud"
Green Paper, TERENA Task Force TF-Storage, April 2011
[n22] P. Szegedi:
"How to Support TERENA Community on End-to-End Networking"
Strategy Paper, TERENA End-to-End provisioing activity, December 2011
Project deliverables
[p19] R. Ribeiro, P. Szegedi, J. Howlett, F. Fiumana, B. Idzikowski, M. Strózyk, E. Kikkenborg, D. Regvart, G. Cibulskis, O. Kreiter, S. Milsom:
"eduCONF Business Case"
FP7-GN3 Project SA3 T4, 2 February 2011
Magazine articles
[29] R. Krzywania, L. Dolata, P. Szegedi:
"FEDERICA: Federated E-infrastructure Dedicated to European Researchers Innovating in Computing Network Architectures"
Computational Methods in Science and Technology, Special Issue 2010, pp. 19-33, November 2010, L R 0.3*6=1.8
[n17] P. Szegedi, A. Zbinden:
"TF-Media: Task Force on Media Management and Distribution" (poster presentation)
Internet2 Fall Member Meeting 2010, 1-4 November, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
[n16] P. Szegedi:
"Extending the reach of NRENs"
Internet2 Fall Member Meeting 2010, International Updates Session, 31 October, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
[n15] P. Szegedi:
"TERENA Community - Open up your eyes, codes, and networks"
IP Telephony Workshop, 29-30 April, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
Project deliverables
[p18] P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"FEDERICA usage report"
FP7-FEDERICA Deliverable NA2.3, November 2010
[p17] P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Virtual network architectures"
FP7-FEDERICA Deliverable JRA2.3, March 2010
Magazine articles
[27] P. Sezgedi, M. Campanella, V. Maglaris, S. Figuerola, C. Cervello-Pastor:
"With Evolution for Revolution: Managing FEDERICA for Future Internet Research"
IEEE Communications Magazine Vol.47 No.7 pp. 34-39, July 2009, L R 0.5*6=3
[26] J. Spaeth, G. Maier, S. Naegele-Jackson, C. Cavazzoni, H-M. Foisel, M. Popov, H. Wessing, M. Campanella, S. Nicosia, J. Rauschenbach, L. P. Roldan, M. A. Sotos, M. Strozyk, P. Szegedi, J-M. Uze:
"MUPBED: a Pan-European Prototype for Multi-Domain Research Networks"
IEEE Communications Magazine Vol.47 No.5 pp. 62-71, May 2009, L R 0.1*6=0.6
Scientific papers
[28] P. Szegedi:
"Campus Networking: End-to-End"
pp. 36, EUNIS 23-26 June 2009, Santiago de Compostella, Spain, R 1*3=3
[n14] Szegedi P.:
"FEDERICA: A jövõ Internet-kutatása"
NIIF/HUNGARNET Networkshop Konferencia, 2009. április 15., Szeged, Magyarország
Project deliverables
[p16] J. Pons, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Prototype for interoperability between IPsphere and MANTICORE"
FP7-FEDERICA Deliverable JRA2.2, May 2009
[p15] P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"FEDERICA User Community and Requirements"
FP7-FEDERICA Deliverable NA2.2, March 2009
Scientific papers
[25] G. Maier, L. Colombo, D. G. Costantino, A. Pattavina, P. Szegedi:
"Quality of Provisioning as an OPEX-related Issue in Research Networks"
pp. 33-39, IT-NEWS 13-15 February 2008, Venice, Italy, R 0.2*3=0.6
[n13] P. Szegedi, K. Meynell, J. Dyer:
"Examining the key trends, requirements and developments of highspeed national research and education networks"
WDM & Next Generation Optical Networking, 23-27 June 2008, Cannes, France
[n12] P. Szegedi:
"FEDERICA: European project to 'slice up' networks for Future Internet research" (poster presentation)
Internet2 Member Meeting, April 21-23, 2008, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Project deliverables
[p14] P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Architectures for virtual infrastructures, new Internet paradigms and business models"
FP7-FEDERICA Deliverable JRA2.1, October 2008
[p13] K. Meynell, P. Szegedi, V. Reijs, A. Gall:
"Early FEDERICA User Requirements"
FP7-FEDERICA Deliverable NA2.1, March 2008
Magazine articles
[21] P. Szegedi:
"Evaluation of scalable CAPEX models in ASON/GMPLS-based IP networks"
Emerald Campus-Wide Information Systems, Vol. 24, Issue 4, pp. 292-302, October 2007, L R 1*6=6
[t21]: Szegedi P.:
"Optikai alapú transzport architektúrák összehasonlító költségelemzése"
13-18. oldal, Híradástechnika Vol. LXII. 2007/2. L
[20] P. Szegedi, T. Gajewski, W. Imajuku, S. Okamoto:
"Optical Network Functional Evolution and Control Technologies"
IEICE Transactions on Communications, Survey paper – Standard and Interoperability, Vol.E90-B, No.8 pp. 1944-1951, August 2007, L R 0.25*6=1.5
[t22] Szegedi P., Szigeti J., Cinkler T.:
"Nagymegbízhatóságú optikai vezérlo és menedzsment sík tervezés"
9-18. oldal, PKI Közlemények, 2007
Scientific papers
[24] Szegedi P., Meskó Ö., Babics E.:
"Migrációs lehetoségek a tisztán optikai hálózatok (AON) irányába"
115-129. oldal, PKI Tudományos Napok 2007 nov. 13-14. Budapest, Magyarország, 0.33*1=0.33
[23] J. Tivadar, Zs. Lakatos, P. Szegedi, R. A. Horváth:
"Migration towards an All Optical Network layer"
NOC 19-21 June 2007, Stockholm, Sweden, R 0.25*3=0.75
[22] P. Szegedi, J. Szigeti, T. Cinkler:
"Reliable Control and Management Plane Design in Multi-domain Optical Networks"
pp. 193-196, ICTON 1-5, July 2007, Rome, Italy, R 0.33*3=1
[n11] P. Szegedi, T. Jakab, Zs. Lakatos, T. Kárász:
"Understanding the importance of infrastructure design to the performance of Carrier Ethernet services"
3rd Annual Carrier Ethernet World Congress, 12-28 September 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
[n10] P. Szegedi, T. Jakab, Zs. Lakatos, T. Kárász:
"Reliability Analysis of End-to-End Carrier Ethernet Network Solutions"
2nd Annual Carrier Ethernet Services and Innovations Forum, 11-13 June 2007, Rome, Italy
[r21] P. Szegedi:
"Statistical Evaluation of Scalable CAPEX Models in ASON/GMPLS Based IP Networks"
TERENA Networking Conference, 21-23 May 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark, R
Project deliverables
[p12] C. Cavazzoni, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Final analysis of the experimental results and guidelines for the development of future European Research Networks"
IST-MUPBED Deliverable 1.4, September 2007
[p11] C. Cavazzoni, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Preliminary analysis of the results of the project experimental activities"
IST-MUPBED Deliverable 1.3, February 2007
Magazine articles
[16] P. Szegedi, Zs. Lakatos, J. Spaeth:
"Architectures and Recovery Time Scaling for Grid Applications in IST Project MUPBED"
IEEE Communications Magazine Vol.44 No.3 pp. 74-82, March 2006, L R 0.5*6=3
[t16] Lakatos Zs., Szegedi P.:
"A grid háózatokban alkamazható jelzésarhitektúrák és helyreállítási mechanizmusok vizsgálata"
41-46. oldal, Híradástechnika Vol. LXI. 2006/2. L
[t17]: Szegedi P.:
"Dinamikus optikai hálózatok vezérlosíkjának megbízhatósági elemzése"
121-130. oldal, PKI közlemények 50. szám, 2006.
Scientific papers
[19] Szegedi P.:
"ASON/GMPLS alapú transzporttechnológia alkalmazása akadémiai és kutatóhálózati környezetben"
168-173. oldal, 15. Távközlési és Informatikai Hálózatok Szeminárium és Kiállítás, 2006 okt. 11-13., Eger, Magyarország, 1*1=1
[18] P. Szegedi:
"Benefits of Future GMPLS Controlled Ethernet Switches with Tunable Laser Modules"
Vol. 4, pp. 18-21, ICTON 18-22 June 2006, Nottingham, United Kingdom, R 1*3=3
[17] P. Szegedi:
"Impact of Signalling Network Reliability on Dynamic Optical Service Provisioning"
pp. 132, WTC 30 April - 3 May 2006, Budapest, Hungary, L 1*4=4
[n8] Szegedi P.:
"QoS szempontok érvényesítése nemzetközi projektekben"
PKI Tudományok Napok: QoS konferencia 2006, Budapest, Magyarország
Technical papers
[n9] Szegedi P., Meskó Ö.:
"Transzporthálózati összeköttetések megbízhatóságának elemzése üzemeltetoi szempontok figyelembevételével"
Távközlésért alkotói díj pályázat 2006.
Project deliverables
[p10] Babics E., Nagy G., Szegedi P.:
"Optikai szolgáltatások bevezetésének feltételei"
GVOP-KEOPSZ M1.3, 2006 november
[p9] C. Cavazzoni, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Revision of the reference architecture according to the results of the project studies"
IST-MUPBED Deliverable 1.2, February 2006
[p8] Babics E., Szegedi P.:
"Méro és felügyeleti megoldások specifikációja"
GVOP-KEOPSZ M1.2, 2006 január
Magazine articles
[15] Szegedi P.:
"Pán-európai kutatóhálózat a MUPBED project keretében"
26-31. oldal, Magyar Távközlés, 2005/5-6. 1*1=1
[10] Szegedi P.:
"Dinamikus optikai hálózatok felhasználói interfészei"
40-44. oldal, Híradástechnika Vol. LX, 2005/2. 1*1=1
Scientific papers
[14] Szegedi P.:
"A szélessáv kutatói célú hasznosítása"
159-169. oldal, PKI Tudományos Napok 2005 nov. 22-23, Budapest, Magyarország, 1*1=1
[13] Zs. Lakatos, P. Szegedi:
"Effective Resilience Design for Recovery Time Restricted Applications"
pp. 61-67, DRCN 16-19 Oct. 2005, Ischia, Italy, R 0.5*3=1.5
[12] P. Szegedi:
"Delay Models for Different UNI Signalling Implementations in the Context of IST Project MUPBED"
Vol. 2, pp. 373-376, ICTON 3-7 July 2005, Barcelona, Spain, R 1*3=3
[11] P. Szegedi:
"Latency of Optical Service Provisioning in Different Signalling Implementations"
pp. 171-178, NOC 5-7 July 2005, London, United Kingdom, 1*3=3
[n5] Szegedi P.:
"Intelligens Optikai Hálózatok: kutatás-fejlesztés a Matáv részvételével"
Kandó szakmai napok 2005, Budapest, Magyarország
[n4] P. Szegedi:
"Implementation Options for UNI Signalling in Intelligent Optical Networks"
Hungarian WDM workshop 2005, Budapest, Hungary
Technical papers
[n7] Szegedi P., Tolner F., Páncél D.:
"Televíziós Üzenofal szolgáltatás kialakításának muszaki és gazdasági elemzése Triple Play környezetben"
Magyar Telekom, Schaumann díj pályázat 2005.
[n6] Szegedi P.:
"Nemzetközi terjeszkedés koncepcionális gerinchálózat-fejlesztési támogatása"
Távközlésért alkotói díj pályázat 2005. MAGYAR TELEKOM ÜZLETI TITKA
Project deliverables
[p7] Szegedi P., et.al.:
"Optikai szolgáltatások definiálása"
GVOP-KEOPSZ M1.1, 2005 május
[p6] C. Cavazzoni, P. Szegedi, et.al.:
"Preliminary definition of a reference architecture for an intelligent optical network supporting advanced application in research environments"
IST-MUPBED Deliverable 1.1, May 2005
Magazine articles
[9] Szegedi P.:
"VLAN címke alapú cross-connect funkció a videóhálózatokon"
44-48. oldal, Híradástechnika Vol. LIX, 2004/10. 1*1=1
[8] Csákány É., Czinkóczky A., Jakab T., Konkoly L., Lakatos Zs., Szegedi P.:
"A Matáv IP maghálózatának költséghatékony fejlesztése a jövo szolgáltatásainak tükrében"
19-54. oldal, PKI közlemények 48. szám, 2004. L 0.16*1=0.16
[7] Szegedi P.:
"Nagyvárosi hálózatok migrációs koncepciói"
81-93. oldal, PKI közlemények 48. szám, 2004. L 1*1=1
Scientific papers
[6] P. Szegedi:
"VLAN-sensitive Optical Protection for Scalable SLA Definition of Switched Ethernet Services"
Vol. 1, pp. 255-258, ICTON 4-8 July 2004, Wroclaw, Poland, R 1*3=3
Project deliverables
[p5] Jakab T., Lakatos Zs., Szegedi P.:
"Újgenerációs hálózatokban (NGN) alkalmazható, integrált többszolgálatú QoS képességu hálózati architektúrák kidolgozása, vizsgálata és tervezési módszereinek kifejlesztése"
MATÁV belso project, 2004.
Scientific papers
[5] P. Szegedi:
"Software Configurable Network Structures in WDM-based Metropolitan Resilient Packet Rings"
pp. 24-28, SoftCom, 7-10 Oct. 2003, Split, Croatia, 1*3=3
[4] P. Szegedi:
"Automatic Logical Node Reordering in WDM-based Metropolitan Resilient Packet Rings"
Vol. 1, pp. 91-94, ICTON 29 June - 3 July 2003, Warsaw, Poland, R 1*3=3
[3] P. Szegedi:
"Modular wavelength conversion in Automatic Switched Optical Networks"
Vol. 2, pp. 953-963, ONDM 3-5 Feb. 2003, Budapest, Hungary, 1*3=3
[n3] P. Szegedi.:
"Minimal Guaranteed Bandwidth Services in Next Generation SDH-based Resilient Packet Rings"
EUNICE 2003, Balatonfüred, Hungary
Project deliverables
[p4] Jakab T., Lakatos Zs., Szegedi P.:
"IP hálózatok tervezési módszerei a Traffic Engineering folyamatok lehetoségeinek figyelembevételével: I./2. rész. A szerver réteg funkcionális és architekturális vonatkozásai"
MATÁV belso project, 2003.
[p3] Jakab T., Lakatos Zs., Szegedi P.:
"Nagyvárosi hálózatok tervezési módszerei a 2. és 3. réteg kapcsolati lehetoségeinek figyelembe vételével 1. rész. A nagyvárosi hálózatok fejlesztését támogató tervezési folyamat és módszertan bemutatása esettanulmányok alapján. A Matáv IP-MPLS célhálózati változatainak (budapesti nagyvárosi hálózat) elemzése"
MATÁV belso project, 2003.
Scientific papers
[2] Szegedi P.:
"Automatikusan kapcsolt optikai hálózatok transzparens szakaszhosszainak hatása az eroforrás-kihasználtságra"
19-20. oldal, BME-HTE 2002 május 9., Budapest, Magyarország, 1*1=1
[1] T. Jakab, H. Nakajima, H-M. Foisel, P. Szegedi, T. Zombori:
"Routing in transculent networks – motivation and objectives of EURESCOM P1012 project"
pp. 58-65, NOC 18-21 June 2002, Darmstadt, Germany, 0.2*3=0.6
Technical papers
[n2] Szegedi P.:
"Az Ethernet technológia fejlodése, integrációja és hálózatos alkalmazásának fontosabb kérdései, v2.0
MATÁV belso tanulmány, 2002
[n1] Szegedi P.:
"Az Ethernet technológia fejlodése, integrációja és gerinchálózati alkalmazásának fontosabb kérdései, v1.0
BME HT Tanszéki kézirat, 2002
Project deliverables
[p2] Jakab T., Lakatos Zs., Szegedi P.:
"Optikai alapú MAN-ok kialakítása és tervezése"
MATÁV belso project, 2002.
Project deliverables
[p1] T. Jakab, Z. Zsóka, Zs. Lakatos, P. Szegedi:
"Detailed specification and first results of Class A studies on OTN and ASON resource needs (on-off sources)"
EURESCOM P1012 FASHION Project, Technical Report, 2001